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    Expectations After A Roach Extermination Service

    Expectations After A Roach Extermination Service

    If you have started looking into roach extermination, you may be wondering what to expect afterward. Questions such as how long it is going to take for the pests to die after the service to when you will be able to clean your home properly require answers.

    Keep reading to find out more about what to expect after a roach treatment and what you need to do next.

    What Can You Expect After A Cockroach Treatment

    After a roach extermination service, there are a few different things you need to keep in mind. The first and most important is to avoid any deep or major cleaning for up to 10 days after the service. If there are small messes and dust, this can still be cleaned, but any major cleaning might decrease the overall effectiveness of the elimination.

    Is It Normal To Still See Roaches After Extermination?

    The duration that the roaches will stay alive after the treatment will depend on the treatment that was used and the size of the infestation. Severe infestations will usually necessitate more than one treatment.

    When the treatment is performed by a trained professional, you will most likely notice faster results when compared to using a store-bought deterrent. In most cases, it is normal to still see a few cockroaches up to two to three weeks after the service. These treatments disrupt them, which is why they may appear in and around your house while they are dying.

    There may be German or American cockroaches present in and around your home, but American cockroaches seem to be the more common problem. The German roaches have two stripes across their heads, and they are usually smaller. These breed a lot faster than American cockroaches and will usually require several treatments over a 30-day period to get your infestation under control.

    What Are The Dos And Don’t After A Roach Extermination Service

    After you have received a roach treatment, there are a few important precautions you need to take to stop these pests from returning. Only conduct a light clean for the first two weeks after the service. Your pest control specialist will give you advice on what you should do and what you shouldn’t.

    Other important suggestions include:

    – Clean all your eating and food preparation areas when you return home. Continue to keep these surfaces free from food particles.

    – Remove all paper and cardboard products from your kitchen, especially when they are damp.

    – Inspect any items that you buy secondhand. It is advisable to freeze these items or leave them in direct sunlight for at least 24 hours which will kill any roaches if they are present.

    – Seal or fix any leaks or cracks in and around your home.

    If you have a roach issue at your apartment or home, contact our professional exterminators to help you eliminate them. Our team is dedicated to protecting your safety and your health. Regardless of what type of roach is invading your home, we are standing by to help you eradicate them. Call us today for a reliable, fast, and professional service.