• africanized_killer_bees

    The Importance Of Africanized Bee Extermination Services

    The Importance Of African Bee Extermination Services

    The Africanized bee or African bee is a ‘hybrid species” of the Western honeybee. This species adopted the name of the “killer” bees and were originally established when local Brazilian and southern African bees mated. Identified first in the 1950s in Brazil, the Africanized bee rapidly spread through South and Central America when a few swarms of these bees escaped quarantine.

    African honeybees are classified as dangerous insects that sting and have chased people or animals for over 1/4 of a mile when they are aggressive or excited. This is the reason why these bees earned the name “killer bee”.

    What Does An Africanized Bee Look Like?

    Africanized bees look very similar to domestic honeybees, but they are slightly smaller when compared to their counterparts. The “killer bees” are a golden yellow color with dark brown bands.

    What Are The Signs Of An African Bee Infestation

    Since the Africanized honeybee looks very similar to the European honeybee, the only way to assess whether you have an infestation or if you need African bee extermination is to contact a professional pest extermination company. If your home is within 100 miles of areas where Africanized “killer” bees are common, you should avoid approaching the nest.
    In fact, even if you don’t live close to one of these areas, it is still better to contact experts that have experience in the removal or extermination of bees.

    How To Remove Africanized Bees

    If you suspect that an Africanized bee nest or hive is around or on your property, rather contact a professional pest control company. Since they have an aggressive and unpredictable nature, it is dangerous to try and remove the nest or hive.

    Africanized Bee Nest

    The Africanized bees usually have smaller colonies, which means they can build their nests in strange places. The nests have been found in crates, tires, tree limbs, water-meter boxes, mailboxes, junk piles, utility poles, empty cars, and even overturned plant pots. These are all prime areas for an accidental run-in with unsuspecting animals or people.

    African Bee Stings

    The venom of an Africanized bee is similar to regular honeybees. However, this species of bees is more prone to attack in much greater numbers, which is why they are dangerous to humans. If under attack, experts recommend running away as fast as you can zig-zagging as you go. Look for shelter in a car or indoors as fast as possible.

    Due to their aggressive nature and sheer numbers, it is always best for a beekeeper or professional pest controller to deal with an African bee infestation.

    In tropical climates, at peak rates, African bees can expand at rates of 1.2 miles in a day. These bees also invade the European honeybee hives by first killing the queen, followed by establishing a queen of their own.

    A European hive can also be colonized through a process of crossbreeding that occurs between the mating flight of the new queen. Since African drones are more numerous, faster, and stronger than European honeybees, this usually always results in Africanized offspring.

    If you think you need an African bee extermination service, contact us today for a free quote.